In this article we will discuss about the principle, requirements and procedure for determination of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) in water. Principle: The sewage/water is incubated at 20°C in BOD incubator for 5 days and the amount of dissolved oxygen is calculated along with blanks and both initial and final volume of O2 is calculated. […]
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) in Water | Biotechnology
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Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in Water | Biotechnology
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In this article we will discuss about the principle, requirements and procedure for determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in water. Since there are more amounts of various chemically oxidisable organic substances entering water systems, BOD alone does not give a clear picture of organic matter content of water. Principle: A known volume of potassium […]
Detecting Coliform Bacteria in Water | Biotechnology
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Potable (drinking) water has great importance. Water is polluted by several waste materials and are responsible for infections like dysentry, typhoid, cholera etc. Analysis of water samples on a routine basis is not possible for each pathogen. Hence water is examined to detect Escherichia coli which indicates faecal contamination since this bacterium is always present […]